Sunday, July 30, 2006

And she wants to bone Joe McCarthy.

Why I have three Ann posts in a row, I'll never know. I'm sure you've already heard about how she proclaimed that Bill Clinton must be gay because he likes to bone lots of chicks so I won't go into that aside from saying what?
Quote from an interview with her, on McCarthy:
Joe McCarthy, she said, was "a totally studly guy. He was a big bear of a man. Big, handsome man. Yes, McCarthy really would have been perfect. He was funny, he was big, he was studly, he was a boxer. Very solid on the issues. Really knew how to tick off liberals. He gets bonus points for that." She laughed. [NY Observer, archived here at Free Republic, sorry, only source I could find.]

Anyway, point was, go read this book to learn more about the Soviet spy-hunting era - there were lots of them, but they were gone by the time Joe got there - and to get nasty chills about just how crazy he was.

Oh, and just so I don't have to make another post about miss crazypants, she's been going around making fun of Rahm Emanuel for being a trained ballet dancer - go to her site to check it out, it's on the front page right now. Apparently that has something to do with how well he can work in politics? Oh, excuse me, she says it makes him a wussy faggy girlyman.

She's once again proved to me that on top of everything else that's wrong with her, she has horrible taste in male esthetics. Because damn. Dancers work their asses off, and male dancers are some of the most toned and sleek men out there. To me, that spells HOT. Not faggy. HOT. Think about it. A guy who can lift you up and toss you around, and is probably more flexible than you are. No gross bulging veins on those muscles. Not to mention the kind of stamina and muscle control you end up with...

~fans self~ OK, I better get back to work before I get too distracted :)

Keep out of the reach of children.

They put Ann on the top shelf. Can't have kids thinking real people actually behave like that.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I think you can see Ann Coulter's poon.

Wonkette covers it. Or doesn't, as the case may be.

I never actually thought she was secretly a man. I just think she's evil. And her books stare at me when I'm in Borders. Jon had to promise me that she can't get me through the tv.

Oh my god I hate Tom Coburn.

He's on CSPAN repeatedly referring to embryos as young humans. Tells a story that a kid asked him why we fine people for hurting bald eagle eggs but fund people to 'kill young humans'.

He just had a chart talking about how if we kill embryos, we could kill the next JFK, MLK, Mother Terea, and Ronald Reagan. I think lots of people have already covered how this is RETARDED.

Then he goes on to say that the stem cell debate isn't a faith issue, but then slips up and says embryos are 'sacred'.

He claims he wants cures, and that people have to leave the country to get adult stem cell cures, and why are we killing young humans when we could be giving people these cures here except I don't want to fund that either?

I think he also tried to say that mitochondria are life. That is actually true in a way - scientists think that they used to be another organism that had a symbiotic relationship with early cells and were pretty much permanently taken in to the cells' makeup - but I really doubt that's what he meant, because he would've had to explain it, and he sure didn't. I just know that because despite my humanities degree, I'm a science nerd at heart.

You know that these people screaming about the babies that we aren't actually killing are going to take full advantage of the cures once we find them. It doesn't count when it's us, right?

Pretty much everyone in the public supports the research. The public hears the argument that a cell is more important than a person and doesn't buy it. My god, Bill Frist supports this bill! But Sam Brownback and Tom Coburn (I tuned in just as Brownback finished up, sorry) went on tv and said that liberals want to kill your babies so they can protect the bald eagles, and that that somehow relates to stem cells but we swear, not Jesus. No, there's no Jesus here, except for the Jesus that's here.

So I ask you:

What the hell is Tom Coburn's problem?!

When the Congressional Record or other transcripts become available - I'll check back tomorrow - I will link to and post exact quotes from the crazy bastard. 'Til then, you'll just have to settle for the word of a baby-eating liberal, amirite?